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Coaching Philosophy

This is about you feeling better & seeing real results. Sessions focus on what works for you, using your strengths, feeling better first, and resilient supports (from tools to people). I care more about how you feel than what your external accomplishments look like. Sometimes we need to slow down in order to build the foundation. Your body, brain, and interests set the pace. When you feel ready to accelerate, we'll do that in a way that feels safe enough to your nervous system. The goal is sustainability. That means techniques & systems that feel good enough that you can and will use them on your own. In short, I coach you to work with your own brain so you can figure things out on your own (and not rely on me)! Sovereignty and self-trust are key. I'm a gifted systems thinker, which means I'm really good at seeing your holistic situation and figuring out which elements could make the most difference to move/change/consider. Some coaches never "offer advice." If I see a specific option you may not have considered, I'll ask for consent to share it. That's because AuDHDers often don't see their life experience reflected in the world (and may not even know what's available). I believe your body will give the feedback needed, and I trust your instincts. I believe the body largely is the unconscious and holds wisdom, key information, and useful emotional content. It can guide our work to the extent that you're comfortable dipping your toe into that vast ocean of information. I care deeply about consent and safety throughout the entire process... from now until the end of our conversations (if we connect). That also means I'm happy to refer you elsewhere if we're not a good fit, or if you're looking for something specific! Lastly, someone who understands your neurotype is an excellent addition to a care team... and it is not sufficient if you're facing health or mental health challenges that require licensed support. I'm not equipped to work with unprocessed trauma, active suicidal ideation, or disordered eating. I do not diagnose or treat disorders.

Forest Road

Which of these describes you today?

New to AuDHD and...
Looking for free resources
Looking for community

AuDHD creative and/or entrepreneur wanting to accelerate my process

Feeling safe enough to start

Congrats for seeking support! It can be tough to figure out exactly what you need, especially if you've had bad experiences. 


My goal is to help you feel safe enough throughout the entire process! You can learn a lot about my approach & philosophy on these episodes of the AuDHD Flourishing podcast. (that's 7 links)


If you're not sure what you need, and know you need something, you can share what you're looking for here


"Thank you so much for making reaching out so much easier! This form is amazing. I can really tell that you care about neurodivergent people." - Sarah S (regarding the link above)​


AuDHD Coaching & Hypnosis (one-on-one sessions)

This is the fastest way to get started. It's also in some ways the most gentle, because it's completely targeted to your needs and how your brain works. 


Mattia is especially skilled at helping when you feel stuck. That can be as small as a routine that stopped working for you, or as large as planning a major career change.


If you know you only need one session: Get Unstuck


For most people who reach out, the best way to get started is with 3 sessions. It's enough time to figure out what you need, create and start implementing a plan, and often make significant progress: 3-session Deep Dive (and will offer additional resources/support after if desired)


If you already know you want longer-term support available 6 months at a time, please click here.


Please note that sliding scale prices are available for Like Your Brain membersbecause... â€‹

Like Your Brain is a membership designed to provide gentle peer support, including implementation/integration over time. There's nothing else like it!


This is part of Mattia's mission to create materials and spaces for all points in the AuDHD journey. Rather than trying to forge ahead quickly, Like is designed around the idea that when plants are given water, sunlight, and good soil, they naturally grow.


Through a community space on Discord, 3+ calls per month including coaching and co-working, and additional resources, you can move at your own pace.


Members live all over the world and are diverse in every way you can think of! 

Like Your Brain (gentle ongoing peer support)

Love Your Brain Course

Love Your Brain is for AuDHD* creatives and/or entrepreneurs who are ready for all the work they've put in to pay off.


Love Your Brain is about discovering your own repeatable, sustainable process for completing the projects that align with your deepest interests. 


It has two practical ways to get there: 
1. Increasing your sense of safety and effectiveness in the practical side of life (getting your brain and body on board)

2. Making meaningful and measurable steps toward your personalized creative project and/or business goals.

Those two tracks together—even if you spend the minimum of around two hours a week—can have some spectacular results. Click the link below for the full description. 

*Clients who are just Autistic OR ADHD have also been successful in Love Your Brain!

"I feel like I'm finally getting a handle on my life, and this program was the single best thing I did to make that happen." - Marie

Next steps...

Free Resources

Ready to dive into a rabbit hole of research or information?


Here's a starter kit of the top 10 podcast episodes, and links to key terms. 


This site has a searchable Resources blog. (more posts coming spring 2025) 

Hear Updates

If you're intrigued, aren't ready to make a decision, want to learn more, or just don't want to forget... you can sign up for the email list here to stay in touch and hear occasional updates.

Ask a Question

Neurodivergent people ask a lot of questions, and I love it! 


Please check the FAQ page first. If your Q isn't A'd there's a link at the bottom to send it.


The concrete and tangible suggestions are an empowering ellipsis to the ongoing inner healing work. Healing is nonlinear, and it’s been lovely to add some actionable, AuDHD, my-brain-specific ideas.


You helped me process so much trauma around work and money. A few weeks later it's all starting to come together in my mind and I know that it's a short distance from there to making it a reality.


I loved that your approach wasn't about tricking or forcing the brain or body to do things, but understanding the barriers and safety mechanisms that get in the way of doing what I want. We moved at my own pace, and attended to real issues around energy levels and preventing burnout.
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