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You deserve support

I help AuDHD creatives & entrepreneurs who want to build a life around their true genius, but struggle to manage their day-to-day.


If most advice doesn't work for you, you've experienced the frustration of trying to find practical support. Especially if you've painstakingly described your exact problem only to have someone respond, "What are you talking about?" 

The resources on this site are for you if any of this resonates:

You have skills, talents, and interests… but it’s been tough to fit those into the neurotypical world’s model. That means being in survival mode a lot of the time, either literally or emotionally.

Maybe along the way, you’ve learned to say to yourself: I’m not lazy. I’m not a fuck-up. I’m valuable no matter how much I produce or create. 

And... ​You want more. You want to reclaim your creative energy. You want to stop wasting time on boring basics. You want to jump into every awesome idea, be everything you think you’re capable of, and show up for your community.​

But bodies and brains have limits! Even if you know exactly what you want and need, actually doing it can feel like torture to an interest-based nervous system. ​

Or if you're farther in your self-discovery journey, with coping skills and support, you've found that it's not a secret backdoor method to productivity. Sometimes it feels like you're getting less done as you listen to your brain's needs and preferences. ​

It can all be exhausting. When does the flourishing start?

Yes, it's possible to feel better. A lot better. I help people feel better first, then build the life they want.

Feel better first

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